CEO & growth hacker
- code
- e-commerce
- datascience
- business process optimization
- online marketing
tech i use & why i use it
- HTML - to structure your website
- CSS - to make it shine
- Javascript - to add some dynamics
- PHP - to handle everything that nobody wants to see
- NODE.JS - to handle everything that nobody wants to see, but fast
- Java - only if you're searching for antique stuff
- SQL - to maintain my relation to your relational databases
- MONGODB - if you got a shit load of data & want to make use of it
- GRAPHQL - if you've got even more data & still want to use it
- REACT - if you prefere a good user experience
- THREE.JS - to add a third dimension
- Typescript - because it makes my life easier
- Wordpress - to give you some freedom
- Shopify - to scale your online business
- Liquid - to make your shop unique & add some magic
- GIT - to handle large projects